
Acti-Sol Inc. announces its acquisition of Distrival Canada

Acti-Sol, l'engrais Mère Poule

The Maker of Mother Hen Fertilizer, Acti-Sol Inc., Announces Its Acquisition of Distrival Canada

Acti-Sol, a manufacturer and marketer of natural fertilizers from laying-hen manure, has acquired Distrival Canada, a distributor of organic products such as Acadie seaplant products. In perfect harmony with Acti-Sol’s environmental awareness, the transaction will allow this Centre-du-Québec family-owned company to diversify its offer of ecological products.


Acadie - Engrais organiques, organic fertilizers


Hen Manure, Seaplants and Sustainable Development

Well-known among horticulturists, Acti-Sol reclaims and repurposes laying-hen manure, otherwise considered a waste product, and uses it to manufacture and market effective and eco-responsible natural fertilizers. Distributing organic products that are complementary to those of Acti-Sol (including Acadie products made of seaplants), Distrival Canada displays the same environmental concern. For example, to promote the longevity of this aquatic plant, Distrival only harvests new seaweed sprouts and leaves the plant intact.


An Acquisition That Cultivates the Common Good

Although the two companies use different ingredients, this merger will strengthen their goal of cultivating the common good, thanks to their shared desire to feed the Earth with healthy, natural and easy-to-use products that foster sustainable development.


Claudia Désilets, présidente de l'entreprise Acti-Sol

“Like Acti-Sol, Distrival was a pioneering company in the field. The two companies’ socially committed missions are therefore naturally compatible and we intend to continue serving customers our distinctive products with as much pleasure and rigor as ever “

– Ms. Claudia Désilets,
President, Acti-Sol

Ms. Désilets will also respect agreements and ensure continuity with partners.

To reach Distrival Canada:
Telephone: 1-800-881-9297
Fax: 819-336-4041

For more information, please contact Christine Dionne or Claudia Désilets at the above-mentioned numbers.

Adress :
Distrival Canada, 3483, 10e rang de Wendover, Bon-Conseil, Qc J0C 1A0

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