Cultivate your knowledge
Acti-Sol offers a wealth of educational tools to garden centres that distribute its products. Once you are logged in to this section, you can cultivate your knowledge with downloadable printable reminders and the Café-culture training program, which is followed entirely online.
Interactive Café-culture training program
An enjoyable way for garden centre employees and managers to increase their knowledge about fertilizers and gardening. The goal is to cover all of the concepts and tips needed to enhance their transactions with customers.
The program is divided into eight modules:
Module 1 : Hen manure
Module 2 : Natural fertilizers vs. synthetic fertilizers
Module 3 : Multi-purpose fertilizer
Module 4 : Container gardening
Module 5 : Growing tomatoes and preventing blossom-end rot
Module 6 : Proper transplanting techniques
Module 7 : Protecting your bulbs from squirrels
Module 8 : How to keep your lawn lush and your soil healthy